General Check up

We’re open Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm

Level 1, Windsor Mall, 38 Windsor Street, Invercargill 

Whether you’ve an “every 12 months, not a day later” attender or you have been an “I’ll only come if I’m in crippling pain” attender we recommend you come in and have a full exam of your mouth annually to make sure everything is in tip-top condition and help prevent unwanted toothaches popping up when you least expect it (like on the first day of that much-awaited holiday).

Even the most anxious dental attender needn’t be nervous about coming in for a check-up. A minimum of 2 x-rays are taken to check for decay in between the teeth that we may not be able to spot just by visual examination. Your gums and oral hygiene are assessed and tips for improving this given if necessary. If your gums are in generally good health, a full mouth ultrasonic scale (clean) will be done as part of your exam appointment, if you have signs of gum disease then a separate hygiene appointment may need to be made. Your existing fillings are checked to make sure they are still doing their job properly and the soft tissues are checked to make sure they are nice and healthy. 


Don’t put your health and happiness on hold.

We encourage everyone to visit the dentist regularly so that we can prevent any problems from occurring and the more you visit the less likely it is that we will have to do anything major. New patients are welcome. Call Windsor Street Dental now to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced dentists.