Adolescent Dentistry

We’re open Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm

Level 1, Windsor Mall, 38 Windsor Street, Invercargill 

Rachel, Harvey and David are all contract holders with the Ministry of Health, this means if you’re year 9-13 at school, all your dental care (excluding orthodontics) is free! Make sure you come in every year to make the most of this and get your mouth in excellent health before you have to start paying for it. Yearly exams include x-rays, check of all the teeth and gums, assessment of the way the teeth bite together to see if orthodontic treatment is necessary and a polish of the teeth. 


Schedule Your Consultation Now

If you would like to arrange your initial consultation or you wish to understand more about our youth dental treatment services and/or Government funding support please Call Windsor Street Dental and speak with us.