
We’re open Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm

Level 1, Windsor Mall, 38 Windsor Street, Invercargill 

If you have a hole in your tooth or it’s chipped or cracked, you will need a restorative option to return your tooth to its best aesthetics and function. We provide a full range of restorative options with composite resin (white fillings) being the most commonly used option. If your tooth has a large existing filling, the decay is extensive, or, the tooth has previously been root-filled, then you may need an onlay or crown made of porcelain or gold. Talk to one of our dentists about which option will be the right choice for you.


Schedule Your Consultation Now

Fillings, onlays and dental crowns provide strong restorations for teeth compromised by decay, chips, and fractures. If you need a filling or another type of restoration. Call Windsor Street Dental now to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced dentists.