
We’re open Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm

Level 1, Windsor Mall, 38 Windsor Street, Invercargill 

Nobody wants to get a toothache, they can affect your ability to eat, speak and sleep and sometimes it can be hard to tell which tooth it is even coming from. A toothache can be a sign of serious infection in the teeth, gums or jawbone, or it may be from a small problem such as food impaction in the gum or dentine sensitivity. Your dentist will take a history of the pain and will likely take an x-ray or 2 to help diagnose the problem. A list of options for treatment, including the cost of each option will be given to you and you can decide which option will suit you best. We do our best to provide at much treatment at the time of appointment but you may require another appointment if the treatment is a root canal.


Schedule Your Consultation Now

If you have an intense toothache that won’t subside with over-the-counter pain relievers, you need a dental checkup. Should your evaluation reveal an internally infected tooth, we will likely suggest root canal treatment. Call Windsor Street Dental now to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced dentists.